Dallas Flower Florist

Heuristic evaluation and redesign of the website of a local florist in Dallas.


UX/UI Designer


Figma, Canva, Google Forms

Dallas Flower Florist

Project Details

This project was a redesign of the website of a local florist in Dallas. The goal was to improve the user experience by fixing the issues found in the heuristic evaluation and to make the website more modern and appealing.

User Persona


"I value efficiency and convenience in my shopping experiences."


Emily is a 35-year-old architect living in Dallas. She's a busy professional who often buys online flower bouquets for special occasions like her loved ones' birthdays. Emily has a keen eye for aesthetics and prefers high-quality flower images with detailed descriptions.

Generous Kind Artistic


  • Sending a flower arrangement to her friend who lives abroad by choosing among a wide range of variety and reasonably priced flowers.
  • To have a seamless and quick shopping experience.
  • To receive timely and safe delivery of products.


  • Finding accurate and comprehensive care tips and storage conditions for her orders.
  • To have a seamless and quick shopping experience.
  • To receive timely and safe delivery of products.

More details coming soon!

I'm working hard to bring you more insights about this project. In the meantime, you can download detailed case study PDF.

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